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I don’t think there’s anything cooler than books.

And being a writer. 

I’m an old-school bibliophile. There’s nothing I enjoy more than reading books, talking about books, and writing books. I love the way paper smells and the solid weight of a book in my hands. I secretly believe I’m an incarnated librarian from the original tome hoarders of ancient Alexandria because I’ve got a sacred duty ingrained in me to collect the best books in the world. My personal bookshelf is a collection of what I believe to be the most important knowledge we’ve put together in book form so far, whether it comes in fiction (The Lord of the Rings, Pride and Prejudice, Tom Robbins, Gilgamesh, and the Dune series) or herbal remedies, neurolinguistic programming, love spells, Buddhist philosophy, Sufi poetry, Yogananda, Neville Goddard, or Louise Hay.
I’m not into digital or audio books—I want hard copies I can hold in my hand. I’m ready for everything to go offline, although I hope it never does. 

I’ve been a writer since I made my first book in kindergarten about a witch and her cats (two topics that still fascinate me) and have since taught creative writing and copywriting (what a combo!) in the outdoors in rural Argentina to polo players and tennis pros in Palm Beach, and to online coaches working all over the world–from Australia, Ireland, Chile, Canada and the US, writing the ads (and full-length books) that get their message out there and change lives. 

Darlene Turriff and I started The Authors Collaborative a few years ago to turn the lonely art of writing and self-publishing a book into a cooperative activity with all the inspiration, guidance, and friendship we writers need to stay motivated and write amazing books we’re proud of. 

I am an internationally bestselling, award winning author of 7 books, ghostwriter, copy editor and co-founder of the Authors Collaborative writer’s community.

I love helping coaches, speakers, therapists, educators, and thought leaders take it up a notch energetically & financially by writing a book.  I have helped over 100 coaches write a professional book and I can help you too. 

I have cracked the code of the creative process so you can finally create the impact you always wanted. In your life and in the world.
The secret is in getting started. Show up. Do the work in front of you.

For now, let’s talk about writing books that change the world.

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